Exploring the world of software development, technology, data science, and life

Story Points are not enough

Story Points are not enough

Your team has two stories to consider for next sprint. One involves supporting a new input source. What is needed to be done is pretty clear. Create the schema. Create the input API. Create the ETL. Test, document, and deploy. There is work to do, but it’s well understood work. […]

The Fallacy of the Chinese Room

The Fallacy of the Chinese Room

If you spend much time reading about Artificial Intelligence and philosophy of the mind, you will hear about John Searle’s Chinese Room thought experiment. Written in 1980, it is an argument that however well a computer is able to imitate a mind, it cannot actually think. The argument goes something […]

Clojure and Re-Frame

Clojure and Re-Frame

It has been awhile since I’ve done much front end development (I’m the guy who thinks vi is peak UI, so it makes sense that people are reluctant to put me in charge of their product’s user experience), so I thought I’d dust off my skills and throw together a […]