Exploring the world of software development, technology, data science, and life

Introducing Newsasaurus

It was 11 years ago today that Google killed Google Reader. The RSS reader with popular with a niche crowd, but never really expanded beyond it’s core use case. In the end it was ditched for more algorithmically driven ways to get the news such as Google News and various […]

Will Twitter Fail?

With recent management changes it seems a lot of employees have left the bird app. Turns out if you give people a choice between working long hours with little to no vision or three months severance pay, most people will take the pay. Employers often overestimate how much their employees […]

WTF is Section 230?

WTF is Section 230?

Recently there has been a lot of talk about “Section 230”. People either want it enforced, repealed, or reformed. Which is kind of ironic since most people talking about it have no clue what it is. So what is it? It’s actually a very short and easy to understand law […]

ReST in Practice

ReST in Practice

A little while ago I wrote a post about ReSTful web services and how they are distinct from a typical “HTTP done right” web service.  I have heard complaints that the characteristics of a ReSTful web service (a given resource will have links to related resources which can be used […]

What does ReST really mean?

What does ReST really mean?

ReSTful web services have been popular for some time, yet still today there is confusion about what it means.  Some will say it is a web service that doesn’t use SOAP standards, others will argue it has to do with using HTTP’s PUT and DELETE methods along with their more […]