Exploring the world of software development, technology, data science, and life

Clojure Conj Day 1 Wins and Losses

Clojure Conj Day 1 Wins and Losses

So a quick recap of the good and bad during the first day of the 2011 Clojure Conj. Lets start with the good: A fantastic talk by Arnoldo Muller-Molina on using Clojure in some very interesting bioinformatics problems. Two very interesting talks on logic programming, one by Ambrose on Clojure’s core.logic, […]

Odd Circle-like-things Day 0

Odd Circle-like-things Day 0

So today was, lets say Day 0 of Strange Loop.  Aside from some hiccups on the plane to St Louis regarding a very important part of the plane (we were delayed for half an hour while they fixed the flushing mechanism in the lavatory), things have gone well.  The actual […]