Exploring the world of software development, technology, data science, and life

Once in a Super Blue Moon

Did you see the Super Blue Moon yesterday? That’s not a thing. What? Of course it is. There were a bunch of articles about it! Clickbait trash. There is nothing particularly special about either super moons or blue moons, and there certainly isn’t anything special about a “Super Blue Moon.” […]

Pi Day 2021

Pi Day 2021

The bad thing about Pi Day under lockdown is that you have to eat the entire Pi Day Pie all by yourself. The good thing about Pi Day under lockdown is that you have to eat the entire Pi Day Pie all by yourself. Incidentally In NC, being overweight gets […]

Engineer, Developer, or Gardener?

Engineer, Developer, or Gardener?

Whats the difference between an engineer, a scientist, and a mathematician?  An engineer sees his equations as an approximation of reality.  A scientist sees reality as an approximation of his equations.  A mathematician just doesn’t care. There was discussion in a relatively recent Basement Coders podcast (ok, it went out mid May and […]