Exploring the world of software development, technology, data science, and life

Posts by Nicholas Watkins Brown:

Covering Code Coverage

Covering Code Coverage

What happens when you run a code coverage tool against your test suite and you see some trivial methods, such as getters and setters in java, are not being covered?  The novice developer will probably add a simple test to make sure the getters and setters do get and set […]

Step Away From The Clipboard

Step Away From The Clipboard

We’ve all done it.  And we’ve almost all regretted doing it.  So its time to talk about an uncomfortable subject for many. Copying and pasting code. The temptation is constantly there.  You see some code here that works (or at least appears to work).  You obviously don’t want to reinvent […]

ReST in Practice

ReST in Practice

A little while ago I wrote a post about ReSTful web services and how they are distinct from a typical “HTTP done right” web service.  I have heard complaints that the characteristics of a ReSTful web service (a given resource will have links to related resources which can be used […]

Agile: Principles vs Practice

Agile: Principles vs Practice

Years ago at one of my previous jobs, I remarked to a coworker when we were trying to move the organization to agile that “Before, we were about as agile as an 80 year old man with arthritis.  Now we are about as agile as an 80 year old man […]

What does ReST really mean?

What does ReST really mean?

ReSTful web services have been popular for some time, yet still today there is confusion about what it means.  Some will say it is a web service that doesn’t use SOAP standards, others will argue it has to do with using HTTP’s PUT and DELETE methods along with their more […]