Exploring the world of software development, technology, data science, and life



Well that’s it for 2021. It wasn’t great, but it was unambiguously better than 2020. We had vaccines. No presidential election. I completed my Master’s. And no viral videos of celebrities singing Imagine. Anyway, here is my playlist of 2021 music. https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/7pqLyuD1XqKngAV7dt0oVj?utm_source=generator

No, Kant is not a “Woke” philosopher

No, Kant is not a “Woke” philosopher

17th century German philosopher Immanuel Kant was not a “woke” philosopher. This should be obvious to anyone with even a basic understanding of philosophy. Why would anyone think otherwise? Well it seems to have started with this paragraph in a Washington Post editorial about Critical Race Theory. Critical race theory, Guelzo […]

Pi Day 2021

Pi Day 2021

The bad thing about Pi Day under lockdown is that you have to eat the entire Pi Day Pie all by yourself. The good thing about Pi Day under lockdown is that you have to eat the entire Pi Day Pie all by yourself. Incidentally In NC, being overweight gets […]

Goodbye 2020

Goodbye 2020

2020 was a crappy year. Citation: everything. But it’s a new year, and one of my resolutions is to start blogging again. After updating a bunch of a plugins and stuff here, I’m hoping no one hacked this site during my leave of absence. Because there were probably a few […]

Farewell IBM

Farewell IBM

After almost 7 years, today was my last day at IBM.  And starting Monday, I will start my new job as a Senior Software Developer at Wireless Generation, an educational software company opening a new office down here in Durham (this transition is my excuse for not blogging much recently). […]