Exploring the world of software development, technology, data science, and life

Are QBs Overrated? What the Data Says.

It’s almost Super Bowl Sunday, one of the most sacred holidays here in the United States. It’s the day of the championship game between the winners of the NFC and AFC, this year the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs. Yes, for those of you from outside of the US, […]

On Polls and Margins of Error

On Polls and Margins of Error

Last week I posted a retrospective on swing state polls. However, I excluded Nevada and Arizona as both states still had a significant number of votes to count. Since then, both states have gotten to 99%, so I figured I could include them. I also decided I could probably go […]

Polling Retrospective

Polling Retrospective

We Americans have a lot of November traditions. Thanksgiving. Black Friday. Cyber Monday. Playing Christmas music waaaaay too early. Voting. And a new one over the past few decades, complaining about polls. In case you have been living under a rock, we in the United States had an election last […]

Going Dunning-Kruger on Dunning Kruger

We’ve all heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect. It can be seen every day. When Donald Trump claimed he knew more about ISIS than the military. When Joe Biden gave advice on how to properly use a shotgun. When Elon Musk spreads easily refuted conspiracy theories. When Congress holds literally any […]

Stop Lying With Statistics

Stop Lying With Statistics

I had a different blog entry for this week, but recent events have, well, changed things. For those of you living under a rock (and is there room under there for one more) on Wednesday last week a mob stormed the Capitol Building where Congress was in the process of […]